The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company wants you to be part of its history seminar series entitled Firepower: Lessons from the Great War. The series is part of Army’s wider contributions to the Centenary of Anzac commemorative activities over the period 2015-2018. Firepower: Lessons from the Great War :
Aims to provide a comprehensive review of the role of firepower during what is regarded to have been one of the mostglobally significant conflicts of all time.
The Series theme is Firepower: however, inside that wider topic, the seminars will analyse many aspects of the role of firepower within the wider context of warfare. These include: Command and Control; Human Stories – Gunners; Human Stories – Commanders; Artillery Tactics; Technology – Ammunition systems; Technology – the ‘Gunnery Problem’; Combined Arms – the advent of modern warfare; Force Generation and Sustainment; and Other Gunners – allies and adversaries. |
Eleven Firepower seminars will be held from May 2015 until November 2018, each timed to align with anniversaries of significant battles or events during the Great War. The first seminar, Gallipoli: the Landing at Anzac, will take place at the Australian Defence Force Academy on 13 May 2015. Each seminar will have up to five speakers presenting on different topics for ten minutes, followed by an hour of moderated question & answer forum. Proceedings from each seminar will be published in the RAAHC’s Cannonball magazine, and podcast on the RAAHC’s website, with select contributions peer reviewed for inclusion in an anthology of Firepower articles to be published through the Australian Army History Unit. |
Whether you are a professional historian, a military serviceperson or just someone interested in history and enduring relevance of the profession of arms, everyone is invited to engage in this forum as either a participant or perhaps as a contributor, and in doing so enrich the debate and understanding.
Further detail is available using the navigation menu bar below or through the RAAHC’s project director and point of contact, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Floyd (E: seminar@artilleryhistory.org).
I look forward to considering our lessons from the Great War in your valued company. |
Seminar sessions will be timed throughout the period 2015-2018, to coincide with key battle anniversaries and other salient dates.
Each seminar will comprise a selection of papers exploring sub-themes relevant to each battle anniversary, and a plenary session compèred by a relevant expert. A maximum of three seminars is planned for each year of the series.
Seminar Venues. (info as at 15 March 2015) The principal venue is likely to be the Military Theatrette at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Potential future ACT venues may include the Russell Building 1 Theatrette, Badcoe Hall at Royal Military College, Blamey Theatre at Australian Defence College, and the Telstra Theatre AWM. |
United Services Institute (USI) ACT co-billing. The United Services Institute (ACT) has provisionally agreed to co-bill Firepower Seminars as an addition to its regular lecture series, held fortnightly in Canberra at the Australian Defence College, Weston Creek and the Russell Building 1 Theatrette at Russell Offices. |