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  Gunners Tales  

The trials and tribulations of Gunners of all ranks  are contained in Gunners Tales. The Tales are accounts of the service of Gunners through a wide range of different experiences and provide a record of a wide variety of individuals, units and organisations that have, throughout time, contributed to the story of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery.

Please  feel free to provide tales for inclusion in this site so that rich tapestry of the total Gunner experience can be woven. Simply contact the webmaster@arilleryhistory.org

Surname Initials Post Nominals Rank Reason for Listing
D'Arcy Larry   Sergeant Laurence Gilbert D’Arcy (Larry) served in the Citizen Military Forces (CMF) from 20 June 1962 to the 12 February 1964 and the Australian Army from the 18 February 1964 to the 17 February 1973.
Carbines Stan   Gunner A DUTY OF CARE
        Memoirs of a Vietnam Vet
Croft Hemi   Gunner Whose Name We Share
        The complete history of the 103rd Battery
Doughty Ralph D. MC Lieutenant Awarded the Military Cross in World War I. A comprehensive listing in excess of 50 webpages dedicated to the life and service of Lieutenant Ralph D. Doughty M.C.
McLaughlan Geoffrey MC Major Memorial dedicated in the Blue Mountains
Mills John Brier   Major Soldier,Lawyer and Scholar. Awarded several medals for service during the Boer War
Murphy Roy Patrick MID Sergant For his distinguished service was Mention in a Dispatch by the King of England
Rice Walter   Gunner Awarded the Queens Medal for service during the Boer War
Parry Athol Wynne   Gunner First Tasmania to pass away in World War one 1
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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