World War II |
Within this section we look at a wide variety articles relevant to Artillery during World War II. We capture a broad cross section of these articles presented in a wide variety of formats such as script in the form of briefs, print media, video and audio. |
Articles: |
Coastal Artillery at Jervis Bay during World War II: |
What an ideal site for a coastal gun. Elevated site for the gun with no restrictions to fire from SOUTH WEST to Point Perpendicular and from the OP a clear view of both the bay and ocean in every direction. The purpose of the battery was to protect what had already proven to be a deep water anchorage for major capital ships up to and including ships of the Shropshire 8 inch heavy cruiser class as well as HMTS Queen Mary. Read more... |
LBDR Des Bettany Sketches: |
Des Bettany was a Lance Bombardier in the Royal Artillery during World War 2. Early in 1939 he and a number of friends joined the Territorial Army (Royal Artillery) and was mobilised in August of that year. Lance Bombardier Bettany fought in France and Belgium with the 88th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, manning 25 pounder field guns, and after evacuation from Dunkirk, served in various locations in southern England, in preparation for the anticipated German invasion. Read more... |
The Cars, Tanks And Airplanes of WW11: |
World War 11, a Global Conflict that lasted from 1939 - 1945 was among the far reaching conflicts in history. The history of WW11 was remarkable which saw,CARS, TANKS & AIRPLANES, made to fight the 6 Year old war. To see and listen. Read More... |