Brigadier Gerry Warner was appointed Colonel Commandant Western Region in December 2010 and assumed the additional appointment of Representative Colonel Commandant on St Barbara's Day 2012. He graduated from the Royal Military College in 1971 and was allotted to the Royal Australian Artillery. He then completed the Section Commanders' (Field) Course at North Head before serving as a Troop Commander in 16th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment at Woodside South Australia. He returned to Woodside for later postings as Battery Commander Headquarters Battery in 1976, Adjutant in1980, Battery Commander 111th Air Defence Battery (Light) in 1981-82, and Commanding Officer 16th Air Defence Regiment in 1989-90. Towards the end of his regimental command 16th Air Defence Regiment prepared and deployed RBS 70 detachments to the Gulf War on board HMAS Success. During his regimental service he participated in major exercises in Singapore, Malaysia and Germany.
As Commander 5th Brigade Commander Liverpool Military Area in 1998 Brigadier Warner exercised a range of command responsibilities in relation to 23 Field Regiment and 8th/12th Medium Regiment. Brigadier Warner's varied military career following graduation from Duntroon, included extensive command experience, tours on the personal staff of Governors-General, pivotal operations and personnel staff appointments, and UN peacekeeping on the Golan Heights and in Southern Lebanon. He was the senior Defence representative in Western Australia in 1996-97 and in his final posting was Chief of Staff Land Headquarters in Sydney during a period of intense operational tempo including support to the Olympic Games. His responsibilities took him to Australian deployments in such places as Cambodia, Bougainville, Malaysia, East Timor, Eritrea, Mozambique and the Middle East. Her Majesty the Queen appointed him Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (LVO) in 1988 and he was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2000. Gerry has a BSc(Hons) from UNSW, is a graduate of Australian Army Command and Staff College 1983,attended the US Army War College in Pennsylvania in 1993-1994 and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
After separation from the Australian Regular Army in 2003 and settling in his home state, he was appointed to the independent committee which investigated the Perth power supply crisis in February 2004. From 2005 until early 2013 he was Chief Executive Officer of a major ex-service Not-for-Profit which operates retirement villages, aged care facilities and an aviation museum. During that period he also served and continues to serve as a Sessional Senior Member of the State Administrative Tribunal, a Member of the Mental Health Review Board and a Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal where he sits primarily on veterans' matters. Brigadier Warner is also a trustee of the Western Australia Government Anzac Day Trust.