Colonel Steve Carey was born in Hobart, Tasmania on 27 October 1952. After completing secondary education he commenced study for a degree in law in 1970, graduating with his LLB in 1975. He joined OCTO in 1977 and graduated as an officer in the Royal Australian Artillery in September 1979.
During the following years he served in the full range of regimental appointments within 16 Field Battery as Section Commander, Gun Position Officer, Forward Observer and Battery Captain. He was promoted to Major in 1991and was posted as Battery Commander, 16 Field Battery during the period 1993- 1995.
Following the completion of his service with 16 Field Battery he returned to 6 Training Group as an Instructor and after completion of the Intermediate Operations Course in 1997 was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1999. In January 2000 he was granted command of 2nd Force Support Battalion, Logistic Support Force. In January 2006 he was promoted Colonel and assumed duty as Director, Army Personnel Agency- Hobart. Colonel Carey was appointed CC-Tas region in 2007 and concurrently CC- Central region in 2012
Throughout this period Col Carey has maintained a busy civilian employment commitment. After a period in private legal practice he commenced as the Solicitor for the Tasmanian Police Department in 1980. In 1985 he transferred to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (Tas) as Crown Counsel, in 1990 he became Senior Crown Counsel responsible for Civil Litigation on behalf of the State of Tasmania. In 1995 he was temporarily appointed as a Commissioner of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal. He became the Chief Commissioner of that Tribunal in 1999. He continues in that position but in more recent years has accepted additional appointments as a Magistrate, Chairperson, Health Practitioners Tribunal, Chief Commissioner, Asbestos Compensation Tribunal, member , Motor Accidents Compensation Tribunal , Criminal Injuries Compensation Commissioner and as a Coroner. In August 2012 he was appointed as Chair of the Defence Reserve Support Council, Tasmania Colonel Carey is married to Cynthia, a registered nurse and they have 3 adult children.