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Warrant Officer Class One Ronald James Torney
Ron Torney was born on 02 May 1962 in Ballarat Victoria. He completed his secondary education at Ballarat North Technical School in 1977. Immediately upon leaving school he was employed as a picture framer until enlisting into the Australian Army in 1986. He chose to pursue a career in the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery in the specialist field of Air Defence. In June 1986 he was posted to 16th Air Defence Regiment (16 AD Regt). During that time he was posted to 111th Air Defence Battery (111 AD Bty) where he was trained on the RBS-70 Ground Based Air Defence weapon system. In 1989 he was promoted to Bombardier and posted to 110th Air Defence Battery (110 AD Bty) where he commanded a Rapier Ground Based Air Defence detachment for five years; he was promoted to Sergeant in December 1991.

In 1995 he was posted to the Royal Military College - Duntroon, Canberra; where he instructed and coordinated field-training activities. In 1997 he returned to 111 AD Bty, and assumed the role of Troop Sergeant-Major being promoted to Warrant Officer Class Two in October of 1997. In 2000 he was posted to the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) where he assumed the position of a Squadron Sergeant-Major. In 2004 he returned to 16 AD Regt where he assumed the appointment as Battery Sergeant-Major of 110 AD Bty. In 2005 he was again posted to the Royal Military College- Duntroon where he was Company Sergeant-Major for III Class. In 2006 - 2007 WO1 Torney was appointment as RSM 16 AD Regt. In November of 2007 WO1 Torney was deployed to IRAQ on OPERATION CATALYST and was embeded with the Coalition Military Advisors Training Team (CMATT). Over the next six months WO1 Torney was Military Advisor to the Commanding Officer of the 2nd Iraqi Army Training Battalion based at Kirkush.

On return to Australia in May 2008 WO1 Torney enjoyed a period of Long Service Leave until January 2009 when he was posted to the Warrant Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Academy and assumed the appointment of Senior Instructor for the Junior Leader Course South Australia. In 2011 WO1 Torney returned to 16 AD Regt as the Regimental Sergeant-Major Instructor Gunnery (RSMIG).

Honours and Awards :
2001 Awarded an Australian Defence Force commendation for outstanding duty as a Squadron Sergeant-Major at ADFA
2007 Awarded a United States Meritorious Service Medal for his contribution during his deployment with CMATT in IRAQ

Awarded the Australian Defence Medal

  Awarded the Defence Long Service Medal
  Awarded the Iraq Campaign Medal
  Awarded the Australian Active Service Medal
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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