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Warrant Officer Class One Maurice Tauletta

Maurice Tauletta was born in 1961 and educated at Westall School in Melbourne.

A professional soldier, joining the Australian Regular Army in 1980, he served in the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery and saw service in Malaysia and East Timor. During his Military career he had numerous instructional and regimental postings, including the School of Artillery; 4th Field Regiment, 8th/12th Medium Regiment, 5/11 Field Regiment and 11th Field Regiment. He was promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class One in 1999 and his postings since then included Regimental Sergeant-Major 23th Field Regiment, 1 Field Regiment and Acting Regimental Sergeant-Major Headquarters 7th Brigade.

In 2004 he was posted to the Land Warfare Centre (Canungra) as the Section Sergeant Major of the Sergeant Section. In 2006 he was posted to Soldier Career Management Agency as the Career Manager RAA, Bombardiers and Gunners. Maurice transferred to the Standby Reserves on 1 July 2007.

Army Service:      
1980 May Enlisted into the Australian Regular Army - 1st Recruit Training Battalion (Kapooka)
1980 September School of Artillery (North Head, Manly) - Gun Number Training
1980 December Posted to 108th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment (Townsville)
1981 December Posted to Rifle Company Butterworth (three months operational deployment1
1983 August Promoted to the rank of Lance Bombardier    
1984 February Promoted to the rank of Bombardier    
1986 July Posted to School of Artillery (Assistant Instructor)    
1987 March Promoted to the rank of Sergeant (Instructor Regimental Training Wing)
1987 December Posted to A Field Battery, 8th/12th Medium Regiment (Holsworthy)
1991 January Posted to 5th/11th Field Regiment (Brisbane)    
1992 December Promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class Two    
1993 January Posted to A Field Battery, 8th/12th Medium Regiment (Holsworthy) as the Battery Guide
1996 January Posted to 11th Field Regiment, Sergeant Major Instructor Gunnery (SMIG)
1997 July Posted to 1st Field Regiment as the SMIG 41st Field Battery (11th Field Regiment disbanded)2
1998 January Postedto Fire Support Company, 6 Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) Army 21 embedding trail as the Company Sergeant-Major3
2000 January Promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class One, posted to 23rd Field Regiment as the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM)
2001 June Deployed to East Timor as United Nations Military Adviser (UNTAET)
2002 February Posted to 1st Field Regiment as the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM)
2003 March Posted to Headquarters 7th Brigade (Brisbane) as the acting Brigade Regimental Sergeant-Major (RSM)4
2004 January Posted to Sergeant Section, Land Warfare Centre as the Section Sergeant-Major Sergeant promotion section
2006 January Posted to Soldier Career Management Agency as th Career Manager for Bombardiers and Gunners
2007 January Posted to Brisbane Army Personnel Agency awaiting discharge
Notes: 1. Deployed to Rifle Company Butterworth with a rifle platoon from 4th Field Regiment, protecting RAAF Base Butterworth. (operational deployment South East Asia)
  2. 11th Field Regiment disbanded as part of the Army 21 restructure, 41st Field Battery transferred to 1st Field Regiment
  3. Army 21 trail was an embedded supported arms into a rifle battalion. Fire Support Company consisted of a troop of cavalry, troop of radar, metrological, surveyors, two sections of M198 Guns and one section of L119 Guns. Trail finished November 1999
  4. Appointed as the acting Brigade RSM over the period March 2003 - December 2004
Courses Attended:    
1985   Air Portability Team Leaders'Course, RAAF Base (Richmond)
1985   Unarmed Instructor Course, 3 Bridage, Military Police Platoon (Townsville)
1988   Counter Surveillance Course, School of Military Engineering (Holsworthy)
1988   Basic Parachute Course, Parachute Training School, (Nowra Naval Base)
1990   Operator Command Post (Field) Course, School of Artillery (North Head, Manly)
1999   All Corps Regimental Sergeant-Majors (RSM) Course, Land Warfare Centre (Canungra)
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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