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Warrant Officer Class One Stephen Schuman
Warrant Officer Class One Stephen Schuman was born in Manly, NSW on 11 August 1973. He was raised and educated in the small rural town of Tingha situated in Northern NSW. He enlisted in the Australian Regular Army on 14 August 1990 and has held a variety of Land and Training Command appointments.

After recruit training Warrant Officer Schuman was allocated to the Royal Australian Artillery and completed his initial employment training at the School Of Artillery. Warrant officer Schuman was then posted to 4th Field Regiment, Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, Townsville, where he spent seven years. Warrant Officer Schuman progressed to the position of detachment commander. In 1998, he was posted to the School of Artillery with the raising of 53rd Independent Training Battery as a detachment commander. In 1999, Warrant officer Schuman was posted to 8th /12th Medium Regiment.

In 2000 Warrant Officer Schuman was promoted to Sergeant. Warrant officer Schuman was then posted to Regional Training Centre Northern Territory as an instructor on Subject One for Corporal Course. In January 2005, Warrant Officer Schuman was promoted to Warrant Officer Class Two and was posted to 2nd /10th Field Regiment as a Sergeant-Major Instructor-in-Gunnery. Warrant Officer Schuman was then posted back to the School of Artillery as a Sergeant-Major Instructor-in-Gunnery in 2010 Warrant Officer Schuman was posted to 8th/12th Medium Regiment as the Battery Sergeant-Major 101st Medium Battery. Warrant Officer Schuman was promoted to Warrant Officer Class One in 2012 and was appointed as the Regimental Sergeant-Major Joint Proof Experimental Unit.

Currently, Warrant Officer Schuman is employed as the Regimental Sergeant-Major 4th Regiment RAA where he commenced his appointment in 2015.
Warrant Officer Schuman has seen operational service in East Timor with 3rd Battalion Group as a part of INTERFET in 1999/2000; Afghanistan as apart of operation Herrick 7 with the Grenadier Guards Battle Group 2007. More recently Warrant officer Schuman deployed to Afghanistan as apart of the Artillery Training Team Kabul, during Operation SLIPPER 2010/11.

Warrant Officer Schuman was awarded the Chief of Army Commendation for his work as the Battery Sergeant-Major of 101st Medium Battery 8th /12th Medium Regiment.

Warrant Officer Schuman has also been awarded, the Australian Active Service Medal (East Timor and ICAT Clasp); the Defence Force Service Medal; the Australian Defence Medal; the INTERFET medal, the International Security Assistance Force Afghanistan medal; the Afghanistan campaign medal and the ARMY Combat Badge.

Warrant Officer Schuman is married to Paula and has two children, Lauren 18 and William 14. His interests include Rugby Union and League, with a keen interest in fishing.

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