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Warrant Officer Class One Russell John Pullen
Warrant Officer Class One Russ Pullen Russell Pullen was born in 1950 in Adelaide. He followed in his father’s footsteps and enlisted in the Australian Regular Army in 1969 and was allocated his first preference of Artillery.  He saw active service in South Vietnam (SVN) in 1971 with 12th Field Regiment (12 Fd Regt) as the Forward Observer Assistant (FOACK) with Delta Company (D Coy) 4th Royal Australian Regiment/NZ Battalion (4 RAR/NZ Bn) – the last Anzac Battalion.


Russell and his father Leon enjoy a distinction unique in Gunner circles in that they both served in 12th Fd Regt in SVN; albeit on separate tours. Warrant Officer Class Two (WO2) Leon Pullen was BSM Headquarters (HQ) Bty before rejoining 102 Fd Bty post Coral as BSM.  Russell served in 101, 102, 103, 104 and 105 Fd Bty.

Australian Army Service Details:      
March 1969 Enlisted into the Australian Regular Army - 1st Recruit Training Battalion (Kapooka) - DP4 Training
June 1969 School of Artillery (North Head, Manly NSW)
August 1969 Posted Gun No ECN 162-1 to 104 Field Battery, 12th Field Regiment
November 1969 Appointed to rank of Lance Bombardier
April 1970 Promoted to rank of Bombardier
July 1970 12th Field Regiment relocated to Townsville
May-December 1971 Detached to Delta Company 4th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment/New Zealand (Anzac Battalion)
November 1973 Posted to 103rd Medium Battery1 8th/12th Medium Regiment (Holsworthy NSW)
May 1974 Posted to 2 Army Recruiting Unit (Lismore, NSW)2
January 1976 Posted and promoted as Sergeant (Operator Command Post Field) to 102nd Field Battery, 8th/12th Medium Regiment (Holsworthy, NSW)
January 1979 Posted to Headquarters 1st Division Artillery (Enoggera, QLD)
January 1980 Posted to 1st Field Regiment on promotion to Warrant Officer Class Two as the Battery Guide of 101 Field Battery (Wacol, QLD)
July 1981 Posted to School of Artillery as Sergeant Major Instructor in Gunnery (SMIG) and subsequently as SMIG Regimental Training Wing (North Head, NSW)
January 1984 Posted as Battery Sergeant Major to 105th Field Battery, 1st Field Regiment (Enoggera, QLD)3
July 1985 Posted to 10th Medium Regiment on promotion to Warrant Officer Class One as Regimental Sergeant-Major (Geelong, VIC)
June 1986 Posted to 1st Field Regiment as Regimental Sergeant Major
July 1989 Took discharge from the Army
1. In 1973 Russell contracted meningitis (twice) and leptosrirosis
2. In 1974 a Temporarily Medically Unfit medical classification was imposed on Russell after he had been placed on a 365 light duty chit
3. Whilst RSM, Russell co-coached alongside WO2 "Mo" Ian Marston, the combined 1st Field Regiment/131 Divisional Locating Battery Aussie Rules Team "The Gunners". In 1987 the team was defeated by 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment by 10 points. In 1988 the result was reversed as "The Gunners" won by 10 points thus depriving the 6th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment of their 10th successive victory!
4. Russell enjoyed immensely his posting as RSM The Premier Regiment, and rates that as his most challenging and satisfying. It is interesting to note that 15 years after service in SVN with 104 Field Battery, the following key positions in 1st Field Regiment were held by veterans of that battery:
Commanding Officer LTCOL B.G. Stevens
2nd In Charge MAJ H
Regimental Sergeant Major WO1 R.J. Pullen
Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant WO1 J.F. Ryan
Chief Clerk WO2 V. Quinn
5. Russell is very proud that he and his father Leon, were the only father and son to have served in SVN in the RAA, albeit at separate times, Leon in 1968-69 and Russell in 1971, both in 12th Field Regiment.
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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