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Warrant Officer Class One Les Partridge
Leslie Partridge was born in Prospect (a suburb of Adelaide) on 18 December 1927. Before his enlistment, he was a Boot Maker with R.M. Williams (the Bushman's Outfitter) at 5 Percy Street Prospect, SA.


He enlisted in 1947 at Keswick Barracks in what was the first intake of the Post War Permanent Military Forces. His original Regimental No was SP 37251. He continued to serve until retiring in 1982 aged 54 years 9 months.



Australian Regular Army Service Details:
  September 1947 Enlisted and completed the Recruit Training Course at 1 Australian Recruit Training Battalion Greta NSW - (September - November 1947)
13 January 1948

Posted 4th Military District (MD) Cadre

14 April 1948 Posted to 13 Field Regiment, Keswick Barracks SA
14 May 1948 Posted 3 Composite Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane as a Technical Storeman
10 January 1951 Posted 11 NS Training Battalion, Wacol - P & RT Instructor
  January 1951 Attached 5 Recruit Training Company, Enoggera - Instructor
06 May 1951 Posted 16 NS Training Battalion, Woodside, SA as a Platoon Sergeant
02 August 1952 Posted 13 Field Regiment, Keswick Barracks as an Instructor (Field)
01 March 1959 Posted 1 Field Regiment, Holsworthy as the BSM 102 Light Battery
10 February 1961 Posted 4 Field Regiment, Wacol as the BSM 103 Field Battery
08 September 1961 Posted 103 Field Battery Royal Australian Artillery
03 December 1962 Posted 13 Field Regiment as Warrant Officer Instructor (Field)
10 November 1963 Posted Proof & Experimental Establishment, Port Wakefield, SA as Storeman Technical Artillery
16 November 1966 Posted 12 Field Regiment as the Regimental Sergeant-Major (RSM)
11 March 1969 Posted 13 Field Regiment as the Warrant Officer Class One, Quarter Master Sergeant (QMS)
23 June 1969 Posted 13 Field Regiment as the Warrant Officer Class One, Quarter Master (QM)
01 October 1970 Posted as a Lieutenant QM to Headquarters Training Command, Anglesea Barracks (Hobart)
01 October 1971 Posted 16 Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Woodside SA as the QM
18 October 1974 Posted Headquarters 4 Military District as the QMI
09 September 1982 Placed on Retired list in 4 Military District
12 January 1948 -   February 1948 No 4 Cadre Course - School of Artillery
28 February 1949 - 08 April 1949 1/49 Potential RQMS's Course - Royal Australian Army Service Corps, Seymour, VIC
15 January 1951 -   March 1951 2/51 National Service Royal Australian Artillery Instructor's Course - School of Artillery
18 July 1955 - 12 August 1955 1/55 Australian Regular Army (ARA) Technical Assistant's (Field) Course - School of Artillery
01 July 1957 - 09 August 1957 5/57 ARA (All Arms) Platoon Weapons Course - School of Infantry, Seymour VIC
28 April 1958 - 16 May 1958 1/58 Regimental Signals Course - School of Artillery
02 November 1960 - 13 December 1960 6/60 ARA (All Arms) Warrant Officers Refresher Regimental Sergeant-Majors (RSM) Course - Infantry Centre, Ingleburn NSW
10 October 1963         6/63 Warrant Officers Instructor (Field) course - School of Artillery
22 February 1968 - 13 March 1968 71/68 Battle Efficiency Course, Canungra QLD
  November 1970 -   December 1970 Quartermasters Course, Canungra QLD
14 May 1948 Temporary Sergeant - Storman Tech
01 February 1950 Sergeant - Storman Tech
01 March 1954 Warrant Officer Class Two - Instructor Field Artillery
18 February 1964 Temporary Warrant Officer Class One - Storeman Technical Class 1
01 October 1964 Warrant Officer Class One - Storeman Technical Class 1
01 October 1970 Appointed Lieutenant - (A & T)
12 October 1972 Temporary Captain - QM
01 July 1974 Captain - QM
01 July 1980 Major - QMA
Overseas Service:
    1961 -     1962 Malaya with 103 Battery Royal Australian Artillery/26 Regiment Royal Artillery
08 April 1968 - 11 March 1969 South Vietnam with 12 Field Regiment
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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