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Warrant Officer Class One John C. Mottershead

John Mottershead was born in Gosford NSW in 1946. Educated at Balgowlah Boys High School and completed year 12 in 1964.

Started work as a trainee accountant in 1965 and soon discovered that office work was not his vocation and enlisted in the Australian Regular Army  on the 27/04/1965.

Australian Regular Army Service Details :
1965 Enlisted in the ARA. Recruit training at Kapooka allocated Artillery.
1965 Initial Employment Training at School of Artillery North Head Manly NSW.
1965 Posted to 104 Medium Battery at Holsworthy NSW. First intake of gunners to march in   to 104 on its re raising that year. Battery equipped with 5.5BL guns, then when warned for overseas service became 104 Field Battery an re equipped with L5 Pack Howitzers and finally with M2A2s prior to service in South Vietnam in 1968.
1966 Promoted LBDR Gun No.
1966 Promoted BDR Battery Surveyor [later to be classified as Operator Command Post Field].
1968 Deployed in May to South Vietnam as a FO assistant attached to D Company [8 months], B Company [2 months] and C Company [2 months]  4RAR/NZ [Anzac] Battalion. 104 Fd Bty was the direct fire support battery for 4RAR.
1969 Returned to Australia in May.
1970 Promoted SGT OP CP Fd. 12 Field Regt RAA was re located to Townsville.
1971 Deployed to South Vietnam in May again attached to 4RAR in battalion headquarters as Battery Commander’s assistant serving in the Fire Support Coordination Centre.
1971 Flew out of Nui Dat with Bn HQ to Camp 500 Vung Tau-where preparations were made for returning to Australia.
1971 Dec returned to Australia on board HMAS  Sydney.
1972 12 Fd Regt now located at Ingleburn NSW. Attended the first ever Met Obs Gde 1 course.
1973 Attended Met Observers Grade 2 course.
1973 Posted to 131 Div Locating Battery at Holsworthy as Met Obs SGT however unit had no means of suppling met data due to lack of equipment.
1974 Posted to 2 Army Recruiting Unit in Sydney.
1976 Posted to 8/12 Medium Regiment A Field Battery as S/SGT Battery Guide.
1977 Promoted WO2 Battery Guide.
1978 Posted to 2/15 Field Regiment Melbourne as Instructor to the Ares.
1979 Posted to 8/12 Mdm Regt as BSM HQ Bty and then BSM 103 Mdm Bty.
1981 Promoted to WO1 and posted to 2/15 Fd Regt as RSM.
1983 Posted to HQ 4 Brigade Melbourne as RSM.
1983 Dec posted to 8/12 Mdm Regt as RSM.
1985 Dec posted to HQ 4 Brigade as RSM.
1987 Discharged May 1967.

Highlights of his military service were his time serving with 4RAR and as RSM of 8/12 Mdm Regt.

Commenced his own business in Melbourne in 1987 and retired in 2001 and moved to the Gippsland area until 2003 and then moved to Queensland where he is currently living.

  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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