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Warrant Officer Class One Phil A. Matthysen

.Phil Matthysen

I was born in 1960 and grew up in Sydney. I enlisted into the Australian Regular Army in January of 1979 and was allocated to the RAA. My early postings were to 8th /12th Medium Regiment and 4th Field Regiment. During these two postings I gained the rank of sergeant being predominately employed on the gunline, with a subsequent posting was to the School of Artillery as a sergeant instructor.  Through the period of January 1989 to 1999, I was promoted to Warrant Officer Class Two and posted to the Australian Defence Force Academy as a Squadron Sergeant-Major; to 7th Field Regiment as a Sergeant-Major Instructor Gunnery, to 4th Field Regiment as a Battery Guide and Battery Sergeant-Major and then an instructor to the Army Promotion Training Centre NQ Detachment. 

In January 2000 I was promoted to Warrant Officer Class One and was posted to 7th Field Regiment RAA as the Regimental Sergeant-Major (RSM). Later in that year I was appointed RSM of the Operational Search Battalion raised specifically for Operation Gold, the ADF security to the Olympic Games. In January 2002 I was posted as the RSM, 4th Field Regiment RAA; in 2004 I was posted to Land Headquarters as the Master Gunner Land Command Artillery and in 2007 posted as the RSM – Central Region. In January 2008, I took up my appointment as the Regimental Master Gunner at the Combined Arms Training Centre followed by my current position at Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) being an Artillery Advisor as part of Land 17, the Artillery replacement project. At my current rank, I have held numerous regimental positions that have included corps and non corps appointments, culminating at Tier B. 


My operational deployments include in 2001 OP BEL ISI completing the second half of the tour as the RSM, in 2006 RSM of the Australian contingent deployed on OP MAZURKA, in 2010 as a United Nations Military Observer on OP AZURE, and currently as an adviser to the Afghan 205 Corps Headquarters as part of the Coalition Advisory Team on OP SLIPPER.

I am married to Ann and enjoys most forms of sport in particular; rugby, touch football, supporting the North Queensland Cowboys as well as flying light aircraft.


  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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