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Warrant Officer Class One Damien Lindsay

Warrant Officer Class One Damien Lindsay

Warrant Officer Class One Damien Lindsay was born in Albury, New South Wales, Australia. He enlisted into the Army in 1992 and was allocated to the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery.

On completion of his initial employment training, Warrant Officer Lindsay was posted to the 8th/12th Medium Regiment where he spent the next eight years. During this time Warrant Officer Lindsay completed many roles, including Detachment Commander, Command Post Operator and Forward Observer. Warrant Officer Lindsay was deployed to East Timor in January 2000 as a Civil Military Liaison Team second-in-command.

In 2002, Warrant Officer Lindsay was posted to the 4th Field Regiment as the Operator Command Post Sergeant, followed by the Operations Sergeant. During his time at the 4th Field Regiment Warrant Officer Lindsay was deployed on Operation RELEX as a Boarding Party Commander.

Warrant Officer Lindsay was subsequently posted to the Army Recruit Training Battalion as a Platoon Sergeant. On completion of several platoons he was employed as the Training Sergeant where he conducted several Recruit Instructor Development Courses prior to an early promotion. Warrant Officer Lindsay completed his last six months at the Army Recruit Training Battalion as a Company Sergeant Major.

Warrant Officer Lindsay was posted back to the 8th/12th Medium Regiment in 2007 as the Battery Guide of the 101st Medium Battery. Warrant Officer Lindsay deployed as the Troop Sergeant Major for the Australian Artillery contingent to Operation HERRICK. In 2008 Warrant Officer Lindsay deployed to Afghanistan as a Joint Fires and Effects Coordination Centre Watchkeeper.

On completion of his tour in Afghanistan, Warrant Officer Lindsay was posted to the School of Artillery as a Sergeant Major Instructor in Gunnery in the Career Development Team. In 2011 Warrant Officer Lindsay was subsequently posted back to the 4th Regiment as the Battery Sergeant Major of the 107th Battery.

Warrant Officer Lindsay completed the Regimental Sergeant Majors course in 2012 and was promoted into the Master Gunners position at the 4th Regiment, where he remained until his appointment as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Melbourne University Regiment in 2015. After a short tenure at the Melbourne University Regiment, Warrant Officer Lindsay was appointed as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the School of Artillery.

Warrant Officer Lindsay is married to Rebecca and has four children. The family enjoys all things outdoors and spends their spare time camping around Australia.

  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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