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Warrant Officer Class One Joseph Jacques Michel Leckning

Mick Leckning was born on the Island of Mauritius in 1957 and emigrated to Australia with his family in 1971. Mick finished his education at Caulfield High School in Melbourne. A professional soldier, joining the Australian Regular Army in 1974, he served in the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery. During his Military career he had numerous instructional and regimental postings, including the 16th Air Defence Regiment, the School of Artillery; 5th Training Group, Land Warfare Centre Detachment, North Queensland Detachment, Headquarter 7th Brigade.

Mick attended the Gunnery Career Course at the Royal School of Artillery in Larkhill, UK in 1986/87, and twice attached to Air Defence Regiments in Dortmund, Germany. He was promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class One in 1992 and his postings since then included Regimental Sergeant-Major 5th Training Group, East Fremantle, Regimental Sergeant-Major 16th Air Defence Regiment and Detachment Sergeant-Major Land Warfare Centre, North Queensland Detachment, Regimental Sergeant-Major Headquarters 7th Brigade, Instructor at Land Warfare Centre Canungra. In 1999/2000 he was as Group Sergeant-Major of the Peace Monitoring Group, Bougainville. Mick was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for outstanding service to the Royal Australian Artillery, in particular as the Regimental Sergeant-Major of 16th Air Defence Regiment. Mick took discharge from the Australian Army in December 2001.

August 1974:
Enlisted into the Australian Regular Army – 1st Recruit Training Battalion (Kapooka) – .

November 1974:
School of Artillery (North Head, Manly) – Gun Course (fd).

April 1975:
Posted to 111 Air Defence Battery  (Woodside), 16th Air Defence Regiment.

November 1976:
Promoted to the rank of Lance Bombardier.

May 1977:
Promoted to the rank of Bombardier.

April 1980:
posted to 110 Air Defence Battery, 16th Air Defence Regiment.

January 1981:
Posted to Air Defence Wing, The School of Artillery as an instructor.

April 1981:
Promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

January 1983:
Posted to 110 Battery, 16th Air Defence Regiment .(1)

April 1985:
Promoted to Staff Sergeant.

August 1986:
Promoted to Warrant Officer Class Two, and posted to the Royal School of Artillery (Larkhill, UK). (2)

October 1987:
Posted to the School of Artillery as an instructor Air Defence Wing.

January 1990:
Posted as Battery Sergeant-Major, 110th Air Defence Battery, 16th Air Defence Regiment.

January 1992:
Posted to 5th Training Group, on promotion to warrant officer class One, as Regimental Sergeant-Major.

January 1995:
Posted to 16th Air Defence Regiment as Regimental Sergeant-Major.

January 1997:
Posted to Land Warfare Centre, North Queensland Detachment as Detachment Sergeant-Major. (3)

January 1999:
Posted to Headquarters 7th Brigade as Regimental Sergeant-Major.

October 1999:
Deployed to Bougainville as Group Sergeant-Major on Operation Bel Isi.

May 2001:
Posted to Headquarters Regimental Training Centre, Canungra as an instructor.

December 2001:
Took discharge from the Army.


1. Deployed on Exercise Long Look in August 1983 to 16th Air Defence Regiment (RA) Dortmund, Germany.

2. Attended the Gunnery Career Course, and detached to 12th Air Defence Regiment (RA) Dortmund, Germany on completion of the course.

3. Awarded Medal of The Order of Australia.

  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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