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Warrant Officer Class One Christopher Jobson
Christopher Jobson was born in 1946 and educated at Cranbrook School in Sydney. A professional soldier, joining the Australian Regular Army in 1968, he served in the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery and saw active service in South Vietnam.

During his Military career he had numerous instructional and regimental postings, including the Royal Military College, Duntroon; 1st Recruit Training Battalion; the School of Artillery; 4th Field Regiment; 8th Medium Regiment and 16th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment. He was promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class One in 1986 and his postings since then included Master Gunner at the School of Artillery, Regimental Sergeant-Major 4th Field Regiment and Regimental Sergeant-Major Headquarters 3rd Brigade. In 1996 he was posted to Army Headquarters as the Army’s Regimental Sergeant-Major Ceremonial & Protocol, and in 1998 he was posted to Australian Defence Headquarters as the Regimental Sergeant-Major Ceremonial.

Christopher Jobson took discharge from the Army in 1998 to take-up the position as the Australian War Memorial’s Ceremonial Officer. Over the period 2001 – 2009 he was the Events Officer with the National Capital Authority in Canberra.

Citizens Military Forces (CMF) Service:
March 1963 Joined the Citizens’ Military Forces; 114th Coast Battery RAA (Vaucluse)
June 1963 114th Coast Battery removed from the Order of Battle and the Unit redesignated as R Battery, 18th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (Kogarah)
  1964 Promoted to the rank of lance bombardier
  1965 Promoted to the rank of bombardier
  1966 Promoted to the rank of sergeant
June 1968 Took discharge from the CMF
Australian Regular Army (ARA) Service:
June 1968 Enlisted into the Australian Regular Army - 1st Recruit Training Battalion (Kapooka) - DP4 Training
September 1968 School of Artillery (North Head, Manly) - DP3 Training
November 1968 Posted to 103rd Medium Battery, 19th Composite Regiment (Holsworthy); redesignated as 8th Medium Regiment in August 1969
March 1969 Promoted to the rank of Lance Bombardier
February 1970 Posted to 111th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery, 16th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment (Woodside)
April 1970 Promoted to the rank of Bombardier
July 1970 Detached to 32nd Small Ships Squadron for service in South Vietnam (1)
July 1972 Posted to 1st Recruit Training Battalion as an instructor
July 1974 Posted to 108th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment (Townsville)
February 1976 Promoted to the rank of Sergeant
July 1977 Posted to the School of Artillery as an instructor in Gun Troop, Regimental Training Wing
November 1978 Promoted to Staff Sergeant and transferred to the Regimental Training Wing's Operator Command Post (OPCP) Cell as an instructor/Cell OIC
January 1981 Posted to Gunnery Wing School of Artillery, on promotion to Warrant Officer Class Two, as an Sergeant-Major Instructor-in-Gunnery (SMIG)
July 1982 Posted to 107th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment, as the Battery Guide (2)
April 1983 Transferred to 108th Field Battery, 4th Field Regiment, as the Battery Sergeant-Major
December 1984 Posted to the Royal Military College (Duntroon) as a Warrant Officer Instructor in the College's Field Training Wing
July 1986 Posted to 23rd Field Regiment (Kogarah), on promotion to Warrant Officer Class One as the units Regimental Sergeant-Major
January 1989 Posted to the School of Artillery as the Master Gunner, Gunnery Wing (3)
December 1991 Posted to 4th Field Regiment as the Regimental Sergeant-Major (4)
December 1993 Posted to Headquarters 3rd Brigade (Townsville) as the Brigade Regimental Sergeant-Major
January 1996 Posted to Army Headquarters - Personnel Division (Canberra) as the Army's Regimental Sergeant-Major Ceremonial & Protocol
January 1998 Posted to the Australian Defence Headquarters as the Regimental Sergeant-Major Ceremonial
July 1998 Took discharge from the Army
1. Saw active service in South Vietnam on detachment to 32nd Small Ships Squadron RAE (serving the LSM Clive Steele's mounted 40mm gun).
2. Appointed as the Battery's acting BSM over the period July 1982 - February 1983 (simultaneously carrying out the duties of both the BG and BSM)
3. Appointed as the School's acting RSM over the period June - August 1990 (simultaneously carrying out the duties of both the MG and RSM)
4. Appointed as the acting Brigade RSM over the period November 1992 - July 1993 (simultaneously carrying out the duties of both the Regiment's RSM and the Brigade's RSM)
Courses Attended:
In addition to the relevant promotion courses, Christopher attended (and passed) the following courses:
1968 Battle Efficiency Course (DP 1 Training); Jungle Training Centre (Canungra)
1971 Operator Command Post (Anti-Aircraft) Course; School of Artillery (North Head)
1971 Air Portability Team Leaders' Course; RAAF Base Richmond
1971 Mobile Advisory & Training Team (MATT) Course, Part 1; Infantry Centre (Ingleburn)
1972 MATT Course, Part 2; Jungle Training Centre (Cunungra)
1972 Infantry Junior Leaders' Course; Infantry Centre (Ingleburn)
1977 Operator Command Post (Field) Course; School of Artillery (North Head, Manly)
1982 Unit Emplaning Officers' Course; RAAF Base Richmond
1987 Infantry RSM Course Infantry Centre (Singleton)
1996 Senior Officers' Media Awareness Course; Middle Head Barracks (Sydney)
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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