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Warrant Officer Class George Ian Hodgson
Warrant Officer Class One George Ian Hodgson Ian Hodgson was born in courntry NSW on the 8th December 1931.
Army Services :
1950 Enlisted into the Citizen Military Forces attaining the rank of Sergeant
1957 Enlisted into the Australian Regular Army and commenced Recruit Training at Kapooka, NSW

Commenced RAA Corps training at the School of Artillery on 3.7 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Guns and remained in situ for Radar Training. Once the Heavy AA Battery was made redundant he attended a Field Artillery Conversion Course on 25 Pounders and qualified as Gun Number Layer.

Attended a Junior NCO's Course at the School of Artillery and qualified

1958 Posted to the School of Artillery to Wallaby Troop. Attended a Senior NCO's Course and qualified
1960 Posted to 111 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery as a Command Post Bombardier
1962 Promoted as the Command Post Sergeant
1964 Operationally deployed with 111 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery to Butterworth, Malaysia via the HMAS Sydney troopship
1965 Posted to 131 Divisional Locating Battery North Head, Manly NSW
1966 Posted to 110 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery Woodside as the Command Post Sergeant and then deployed to Butterworth, Malaysia to replace 111 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery
1968 Promoted to Warrant Officer Class Two to 121 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery Darwin as the Training Warrant Officer
1969 Attended Warrant Officers Gunnery Course at the School of Artillery. Qualified with a recommendation to attend the Long Air Defence Gunner Course in the United Kingdom
1969 Attended the Australian Army Training Team Course at Canungra, QLD
1970 Posted to the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
1971 Evacuated to 1st Field Hospital, Ingleburn NSW
1971 Posted to Central Command Adelaide, South Australia as the Regimental Instructor
1974 Posted as the Battery Sergeant-Major Recruit Training Wing School of Artillery
1976 Posted on promotion to Warrant Officer Class One to the 15th Field Regiment, Melbourne VIC as the Regimental Sergeant Major
1977 Posted to 16 Air Defence Regiment, Woodside SA as the Regimental Sergeant-Major
1980 Discharged from the Army
On completion of my service with the Australian Army I entered the South Australian Supreme Court as a Tip Staff to a Supreme Court Jundge. After a short while in the courts I was promoted as the Chief Tip Staff to the Chief Justice of the South Australian Supreme Court. After 15 years service I finally retired.
Service is a privilege and I believe I have done my duty with pride.
  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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