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Warrant Officer Class One B. J. (Brendan) Fox
Brendan J. Fox Warrant Officer Class One Brendan Fox was born in Traralgon, Victoria, in 1969 and graduated from college after completing his High School Certificate. A professional soldier, Warrant Officer Class One Fox joined the Australian Regular Army in April 1988, and, on completion of Recruit Training, was allocated to the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery. After completing Initial Employment Training as a Missile Number (Ground Based Air Defence), he was posted to the 16th Air Defence Regiment, Woodside, South Australia.


Warrant Officer Class One Fox was promoted to Bombardier in 1994 and was posted to the Army Recruit Training Centre in 1997 as a Recruit Instructor. In 1999, he was posted back to the 16th Air Defence Regiment on promotion to Sergeant and was employed as a Rapier Detachment Commander and later as a Troop Sergeant. A highlight of his career was a posting to the Royal Military College-Duntroon in 2001 initially as a Field Instructor and concluding as the Drill Sergeant of Gallipoli Company.


In 2003, he was posted back to the 16th Air Defence Regiment on promotion to Warrant Officer Class Two and was employed as a Troop Sergeant Major. Warrant Officer Class One Fox was posted to the School of Artillery in 2005 as the Senior Sergeant Major Instructor in Gunnery of Ground Based Air Defence Wing. In 2007, he was posted back to the 16th Air Defence Regiment as the Battery Sergeant Major of 110th Air Defence Battery. Warrant Officer Class One Fox completed the Regimental Sergeant Majors’ course in 2008 and was promoted to Warrant Officer Class One in 2009. He has since been appointed as the 16th Air Defence Regimental Sergeant Major Instructor in Gunnery and the Regimental Sergeant Major of the University of New South Wales Regiment before assuming the position of Regimental Sergeant Major of the 16th Air Land Regiment in 2013.

Warrant Officer Class One Fox has been awarded the Australian Active Service Medal with Iraq and International Collation Against Terrorism clasp, the Australian Service Medal with Sinai clasp, the Defence Long Service Medal with second clasp, campaign medals for Iraq, Afghanistan and Multi Force Observers (Sinai), the Australian Defence Medal and the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organisation medal with International Security Assistance Force clasp.  


Australian Regular Army (ARA) Service:

27 April 1988 Enlisted into the Australian Regular Army
30 August 1988 School of Artillery (North Head, Manly) - Initial Employment Training Missile Number (ECN 237)
24 November 1988 Posted to 16th Air Defence Regiment, 110th Air Defence Battery (Woodside)
26 November 1989 Posted to 111th Air Defence Battery (Light) (Woodside)
22 June 1994 Promoted to Lance Bombardier
04 December 1994 Promoted to Bombardier
10 December 1997 Posted to the 1st Recruit Training Battalion as a Recruit Instructoer (Kapooka)1
18 January 1999 Posted on promotion to Sergeant to 16th Air Defence Regiment 110th Air Defence Battery (Woodside)
20 November 2000 Posted to the Royal Military College (Duntroon) as the Drill Instructor, Gallipoli Company2
14 April 2003 Posted on promotion to Warrant Officer Class Two to 16th Air Defence Regiment, 111th Air Defence Battery (Woodside)
17 January 2005 Posted to School of Artillery (Puckapunyal) as the Senior Sergeant Major Instructor in Gunnery, Ground Base Air Defence Wing
19 January 2009 Posted on promotion to Warrant Officer Class One to the Regimental Training Complex as the 16th Air Defence Regiments
Sergeant-Major Instructor in Gunnery4
17 January 2011 Posted to the University of New South Wales Regiment as the Regimental Sergeant-Major (Sydney)5
21 January 2013 Posted to 16th Air Land Regiment (Woodside) as the Regimental Sergeant-Major
1. Was awarded the Recruit Instructor badge
2. Saw active service (non-warlike) in the Sinai on Operation MAZURKA as the Security Sergeant of North Camp, E1 Gorah
3. Saw active service in Iraq on Operation CATALYST as a Training Advisor with the Australian Army Training Team
4. Was awarded a Force Commanders Bronze Commendation for committment, dedication and dynamic approach to unit and personnel training
5. Saw active service in Afghanistan on Operation SLIPPER with the Mentoring Task Force as the mentor to the 4th Brigade (Afghan National Army) Regimental Sergeant-Major
Courses Attended:
25 November 1988 2/88 Missile Number course (ECN 237)
19 July 1991 5/91 Basic Parachuting course (Nowra)
31 March 1994 1/94 Subject 1 Corporal course (Watsonia)
29 May 1996 2/96 Subject 3 Sergeant course (Fremantle)
22 July 1998 1/98 Supervisor Air Defence course (Puckapunyal)
23 October 1998 2/98-99 Subject 1 Sergeant course (Cunungra)
04 April 2001 Subject 4 for Gunnery Air Defence-Manager Operations
07 June 2002 Subject 3 for Warrant Officer course (exempt attendance)
09 August 2002 Subject 1 for Warrant Officer course (Cunungra)
09 December 2005 Unit Adventurous Team Leader course - Sea Kayaking
28 November 2008 Regimental Sergeant-Major course (Canungra)
07 September 2012 TAE 10 Qualified Instructor and Assessor course

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