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Warrant Officer Class One Peter (Doc) Doherty

Warrant Officer Class One Peter Doherty

Born:  22nd  May 1945  Glenelg, South Australia

Married:  Julie Doherty nee Corbett 10th February 1968.

Children: Kathi  and  Scott.

Educated: Brighton High School, South Australia.

Enlisted in Adelaide 23rd January 1963.

Commenced Recruit Training 1 RTB Kapooka 6th February 1963.

Allocated Royal Australian Artillery Corps

Commenced Initial Employment Training at the School of Artillery North Head Manly NSW 15th May 1963.

Posted to A Field Battery RAA 1st Field Regiment RAA Holsworthy NSW 12th July 1963 as a Driver/ Signaller.

Posted to 111 LAA Bty RAA as a Driver 2nd May 1964.

Embarked Sydney on HMAS Sydney 25th May 1964.

Disembarked Singapore on HMAS Sydney 9th June 1964.

Posted to 111 LAA Bty RAA RAAF Base Butterworth Malaysia on operational airfield duties.

Promoted Lance Bombadier 17th December 1965.

Emplane Butterworth to Sydney 15th June 1966.

Special Service Malaysia 1964 to 1966.

Posted to 111 LAA Bty RAA Woodside South Australia 22nd July 1966.

Overseas Rapier Training 21 Joint Services Trials Unit United Kingdom 24th October 1966 to 17th November 1966.

Qualified promotion subjects for Bombardier 2nd March 1967.

Posted to 21 JSTU Woomera South Australia for Rapier Firing Trials 10th July 1967 to 3rd October 1969.

Posted to 16 AD Regt(Lt) RAA Woodside and promoted Bombardier Gun Number 3rd October 1969.

Qualified Clerk Administration 6th July 1970.

Qualified promotion subjects for Sergeant July 1970.

Promoted Sergeant 9th December 1970.

Posted to Central Army Records Office Melbourne, Victoria 20th November 1972.

Qualified promotion subjects for Warrant Officer 14th August 1974.

Qualified Chief Clerk Administration.

Posted to 16 AD Regt(Lt) RAA Gun Number 25th October 1975.

Promoted SSgt Chief Clerk 16 AD Regt(Lt) RAA on 22nd October 1976.

Promoted Warrant Officer Class Two BSM HQ Battery 16 AD Regt(Lt) RAA 2nd Dec 1977.

Posted to the School of Artillery North Head NSW as a SMIG Air Defence Wing 17th January 1979.

Posted to Army School Instructional Techniques as an Instructor on Promotion to Warrant Officer Class One  26th January 1982.

Posted to 16 AD Regiment RAA and appointed Regimental Sergeant Major 23rd August 1983.

Discharged in Adelaide on 23rd January 1986.


Highlights in Service:

Overseas Service with 111 LAA Bty RAA on the Malaysian Peninsular.

Rapier Missile Training System which included being the first firer in service.

Appointment as BSM HQ Bty 16 AD Regt(Lt) RAA.

SMIG at Air Defence Wing School of Artillery North Head.

Appointment as RSM 16 AD Regt RAA.

After 23 years of service I entered the South Australian Public Service at Flinders Medical Centre in two appointments:

Personal Assistant to the Director of Nursing for eight years.

Procurement Contracts Manager for eleven years.

My 19 years of employment at FMC was extremely enjoyable and fulfilling and my work effort supported by military service was well received.

I finally retired on 22nd May 2005 believing that it was a privilege to serve in both environments which gave me great resolve and success in two careers.


  Everywhere Wither Right and Glory Lead

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