Peter initially listed in the Citizens Military Forces (CMF) in February 1967, serving with 41 Field Battery at Southport on the Gold Coast. He was promoted to Bombardier in 1969 and employed as a Forward Observer Signaller. He joined the Regular Army in March 1969. After recruit training at Kapooka and Initial Employment Training as a Gun Number, Peter was posted to 4 Field Regiment in Townsville. During 1969 Peter completed ECN 361 Artillery Signaller training at the School of Artillery and deployed to South Vietnam with 4 Field Regiment on 11 March 1970. During service in Vietnam, Peter worked primarily as an Artillery Signaller in the Artillery Tactical Headquarters (Arty Tac) within the Task Force HQ. He also deployed to regional Baria working with South Vietnamese and American troops as a Liaison Officer Signaller. Peter also worked with D and E Platoon deploying sensor devices throughout the south and east of Phuoc Tuy Province.
The regiment returned to Australian in March 1971 and Peter was trained as an Operator Command Post (Field) and promoted Bombardier. Peter was then posted to 106 Field Battery on deployment to Singapore in December 1971. Peter was employed in the Command Post and as a Forward Observers Assistant during the two year posting. Returning to Australia in December 1973, Peter was posted to regimental duties with 105 Field Battery, part of 1 Field Regiment in Wacol, Brisbane.
In 1975, Peter was posted as an instructor to Regimental Training Wing at the School of Artillery at North Head. This was to be the first of several instructional postings during his career. After promotion to Sergeant in 1976, Peter was posted to 102 Field Battery of 8/12 Medium Regiment as a Gun Sergeant in 1978. After two years with 102 Battery, Peter was selected to attend the Long Gunnery Staff (Field) course at the Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill in the UK.
At the completion of the 16 month course, Peter was employed as an Artillery Instructor Gunnery (AIG) at the Royal Artillery Gunnery Training Establishment (RAGTE) in Honer, Germany where he worked with 47 Regiment RA during their Regimental Evaluation Exercises. He also deployed to Canada with 3rd Battery of the Regiment during their Medicine Man live firing exercises. |
Returning to Australia in mid 1981, Peter was posted as instructor on Gunnery Wing at the School of Artillery. In January 1984 he was posted as Battery Sergeant Major (BSM) to 4 Field Regiment in Townsville, serving firstly as BSM of HQ Battery and in 1985 as BSM of 107 Field Battery. In January 1986 Peter was promoted to Warrant Officer Class One and appointed Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of 2/15 Field Regiment in Melbourne. The following year, he was posted as RSM of 8/12 Medium Regiment in Holsworthy. Peter spent three years as RSM of 8/12 Medium Regiment and in 1990 was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for services as RSM of 8/12.
In 1990 Peter was posted to the then senior RAA Other Ranks appointment, that of Regimental Master Gunner (RMG) at the Directorate of Artillery (DArty). DArty had just moved from Campbell Offices in Canberra to occupy part of the School of Artillery barracks at North Head.
In 1992 Peter accepted a Prescribed Service Officer (PSO) commission to Captain and was posted as the Career Advisor RAA at the Soldier Career Management Agency (SCMA) in Melbourne. After three years in this appointment, he was posted as Adjutant of 2/10 Medium Regiment, also in Melbourne. After Long Service Leave in 1987 Peter was promoted to Major and took up the appointment of SO2 Admin at the new location for the School of Artillery at Puckapunyal. This appointment was commonly referred to as OC Arch Way when the School was at North Head but the archway was replaced by the new Bridges Barracks in Puckapunyal.
Peter elected discharge in May 1999 after 30 years Regular Army Service and started a farming career near Peak Hill in the Central West of NSW. Peter was a sheep and grain farmer for several years before selling up and joining the grey nomads with his second wife Susie who he met while in Peak Hill. Peter and Susie have between them six children and an increasing number of grandchildren. Peter and Susie now live in Kendall near Port Macquarie in NSW. Peter has continued his involvement with Legacy and enjoys kayaking, bush walking and is still trying to master the intricacies of golf. |