Roger James Hanlon passed away on 20 June 2023 survived by his wife, Helen, daughter Michelle and her husband, and two grandchildren.
Roger was born in Hamilton, Victoria, and grew up around Perth before returning to Ouyen in Victoria and working with Elders on leaving school. Called up for National Service, he joined 105th Battery as a signaller in the battery command post for its second tour of Vietnam. His laconic, practical, straight-forward approach and sense of humour made him a popular member of the command post team.
After completing National Service, Roger returned to Elders, working with the company as as stock and station agent and auctioneer in Swan Hill, Finley and Shepparton, before basing himself at Finley and running his own business in the same field.
In retirement Roger was content to relax and enjoy his family without indulging in particular hobbies. He and his wife were regular attendees at battery reunions.
Vale Roger Hanlon. |