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  Colonel Raymond Oliver Brown, AM, RFD, ED

( 22nd June 1927 to 27th July 2012 )






By Colonel (Retired) Peter Patmore AM, RFD, ED

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Vale - Colonel Raymond Oliver Brown, AM, RFD, EDI feel I could be forgiven if I said that perhaps Ray Brown was born a few years before his time. Ray was a professional in everything he undertook throughout his life.

He had a great interest in technical matters and following high school in 1944 undertook training as a technician with the then PMG’s department. This was to become his professional career.

He also had a passion for all matters military. During WW2, Ray was a senior cadet in the Launceston High School unit. In 1950, Ray’s technical training led him to enlist in 6th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery based in Launceston. Ray’s technical skills shone out and in 1952 he was commissioned as a 2nd Lt, to my understanding the first post war member to be commissioned.

He quickly rose through the ranks, promoted to CAPT in 1955, Battery Commander with the rank of Major in 1959 and Commanding Officer in 1966. To Ray, things had to be done correctly, he would say “other persons lives may depend on you getting it right”.  He took a great interest in the welfare of the soldiers under his command, “if it is good enough for the soldiers, it is good enough for the officers” was another of his sayings.

This approach to life was clearly demonstrated during a short attachment to the artillery regiment in Vietnam in 1968. Ray had the rank of Lt Col and joined the unit on an operation. On arrival at their operational base, the soldiers began to dig their foxholes. Naturally Ray began to dig his own. He was advised that a tent had been brought for his use to which he replied, “if it is necessary for the soldiers to dig-in, then so will I.” And so he did.

In 1972 Ray was promoted to Colonel as Commander 6th Training Group and senior Reserve officer Tasmania. He served periods as President, Royal United Services Institute Tasmania, a member of Artillery League Tasmania, Launceston Artillery Old Comrades Association, The Artillery Historical Trust of Tasmania State Council, and an Honorary Life Member of the Royal Australian Artillery Association of Tasmania; he was proud to be a long time member of the Anglesea Barracks Corps of guides. COL Ray Brown was COLONEL COMMANDANT ARTILLERY FOR TASMANIA REGION from 13 Mar 1984 to 12 Mar 1990.

Ray was honoured by the Queen in 1976 being appointed a Member in the Military Division of the Order of Australia.  During his career he was awarded the Vietnam Logistics and Support Medal, the Active Service Medal, Australian Defence Medal, the Reserve Forces Decoration and the Efficiency Decoration.

I finish on a lighter note. I had the honour to be with Ray at their Bridport house on Australia Day 1976 when the recipients of the Order of Australia were announced. The award was relatively new to most people at that time. Ray came out for breakfast in his pajamas and quietly said “I got an AM this morning”. My reply was “Betty must have been in a good mood” to which Ray replied “I knew I missed out on something”.

It was a privilege and an honour to have known and trained under Colonel Raymond Oliver Brown for over 50 years.

COL Peter Patmore AM RFD ED

Funeral service held at Turnbull Family Chapel Hobart.
Friday 3rd August 2012

The Artillery Prayer was delivered by Colonel Stephen Carey RFD ADC
Colonel Commandant of Artillery Tasmania Region


COL Ray O. BROWN AM, RFD, ED. (right) of photo, with LTCOL Mark Cameron,
Hon Mrs. Sue Napier at unveiling of Artillery plaque at Wall of Remembrance
Royal Park Launceston 4th Jun 2005 by
Tasmanian Governor LT COL the Hon W J E Cox AC, RFD, ED.




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