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Defence Honours and Awards
Order of the British Empire
Artillery recipients of this Award are listed at the bottom of the page.      

Knight/Dame Grand Cross
of the
Order of the British Empire

Commander of the
Order of the British Empire

Commander of the Order of the British Empire

Officer of the
Order of the British Empire

Officer of the Order of the British Empire

Member of the
Order of the British Empire

Member of the Order of the British Empire

Order of the British Empire -
Knight/Dame Grand Cross GBE, Knight/Dame Commander KBE/DBE, Commander CBE, Officer OBE, Member MBE

It was created during the First World War in 1917 by George V.

The King recognised the need for a new award of honour which could be more widely awarded, in recognition of the large numbers of people in the British Isles and other parts of the Empire who were helping the war effort both as combatants and as civilians on the home front.

For the first time, women were included in an order of chivalry, and it was decided that the Order should also include foreigners who had helped the British war effort.

From 1918 onwards there were Military and Civil Divisions, as George V also intended that after the war the Order should be used to reward services to the State in a much wider sense.

Today the Order of the British Empire is the order of chivalry of British democracy. Valuable service is the only criterion for the award, and the Order is now used to reward service in a wide range of useful activities.

Citizens from other countries may also receive an honorary award, for services rendered to the United Kingdom and its people. There are more than 100,000 living members of the Order throughout the world.

After some debate, St Paul's Cathedral was nominated by a special committee and approved by The Queen, as the Chapel of the Order.

As the cathedral of the capital city, it could accommodate services attended by very large congregations.

In the words of one committee member, 'St Paul's symbolised the victory of the British spirit during the war of 1939-45 in that, although badly damaged and shaken, it survived the ordeal by battle in an almost miraculous way.'

A Chapel for the Order was built in the cathedral crypt (where Nelson, Wellington and Sir Christopher Wren are buried, amongst others).

Its formal dedication in 1969 was attended by The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh (Grand Master of the Order).

Once every four years, approximately 2,000 members of the Order attend a service there to celebrate the Order.

Many people who have been awarded an honour from overseas attend these services, and each person attending wears their award.

The motto of the Order is 'For God and the Empire'.

Motto: For God and the Empire

Chapel: St. Paul's Cathedral

Post-nominals: GBE, KBE/DBE, CBE, OBE and MBE

Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (G.B.E.):  
Knight/Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (K.B.E./D.B.E.):
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (C.B.E.):  
Clowes Cyril albert Major General 1942
Salmon John Brigadier Staff College
Stevenson John Colonel 1st Australian Logistic Support Group 1970
Weir Donald Brigadier  
Whitelaw John Colonel HQ Australian Army Forces - Vietnam 1971
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.):  
Beck H. Lieutenant Colonel  
Begg Donald Major General  
Evans Frederick Brigadier  
Fullford Richard Brigadier  
Holzberger George Lieutenant Colonel 1969
Slocombe William Lieutenant Colonel 1968
Watt Afred Colonel  
Member of the Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.):  
Andrews Gavin Major 12 Field Regiment 1969
Crawford Michael Lieutenant Colonel  
Donkin Donald Warrant Officer Class One AATTV
Hartnett Harcourt Major HQ Eastern Command 1958
Nyman Berry Major Australian Force HQ 1969
Penhaligon Sid    
Storey William Warrant Officer Class One  
Williams K. Warrant Officer Class One School of Artillery
Woodward Ronald Warrant Officer Class Two 1955





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