At COURTE DREVE FARM on 3rd February, 1918, while the battery was being heavily shelled by the enemy, one round fell on a cartridge dump near4 No: 3 Gun. It ignited some of the cartridges which in turn set the camouflage on fire. The burning camouflage continued to set alight other cartridges and was threatening all the dumpson the guns in the remainder of the battery. At great personal risk, L/Bdr: JACKSON, together with Sergt: DWYER and Bombr: DRUITT, went out during gun-fire and put out the camouflage, thereby saving many rounds ( up to 150 ).
L/Bdr: JACKSON has at all times shown great devotion to duty and disregard of danger.
View the actual document that commended the awarding of the Military Medal.