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Book Reviews

Major General Craig Furini AM CSC,

Representative Colonel Commandant of The Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery


I applaud the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC), especially Nick Floyd and Paul Stevens for their commitment to capturing the story of the employment of Australian artillery over the 150 years from 1871 to 2021. Action! Action! Action! is a story as much about the artillery as it is about the birth of a nation and the Australian Army.

The authors have done a wonderful job of telling a balanced story that covers all the branches of the Australian artillery — field, coastal and garrison, air defence and searchlight, anti-tank, weapon locating and surveillance and target acquisition, and artillery intelligence — as well as the essential story of the men and women of the artillery who have “stood by their guns” over the last century and a half.

One telling aspect of Action! Action! Action! is that no matter how things change, much stays the same. This is where the book leaves the reader in the last chapter (Change and Constancy, pp.207-211). The book provides a fascinating insight into the thinking and approach of generations of Gunners. It is clear they have remained unwavering in their commitment to the provision of accurate, responsive and dependable battle winning fires and effects as part of the combined arms and joint teams. Yet at the same time, continually reflected, evolved and adapted tactically, technically and organisationally to ensure what they bring to the battlefield remains battle winning regardless of peacetime bureaucratic challenges and those that have questioned the very need for artillery. Action! Action! Action! lays this out in a narrative that is informative and compelling.

As the current Representative Colonel Commandant, I am thrilled to see Action! Action! Action! address the service and achievements of contemporary veterans over the last 30 years. It is a story they deserve to see told. Defined by a high operational tempo, this era saw Batteries, Troops, teams and individuals deploy across the globe providing essential warfighting and peacekeeping capabilities in and out of role. Simultaneously the era witnessed major advancements in artillery capability with new guns, UAVs, sensors and digitisation accompanied by organisational and doctrinal changes. For the first time the events and developments of this era have been brought together into a coherent story with the authors doing a wonderful job of capturing the context, challenges, lessons, achievements and successes.  

In an increasingly complicated World, the Artillery is again rising in prominence with the RAA taking carriage of more capable air defence systems, longer-range guns and missiles and increasingly sophisticated aerial vehicles, sensors and communications systems. Our Gunners could once again be called upon to use these capabilities in conflict. Consequently, the need for the Gunner to be a master-craftsman who can balance the art and science of war remains as essential today as it was 140 years ago when the NSW Defence Enquiry Commission noted ‘the fully instructed artilleryman is in reality an artisan of high order, and time, habit and systematic teaching are necessary to make him thoroughly competent’ (p.14). Today’s practitioners can draw a great deal from this book as they look to the future.

Action! Action! Action! is a great read – well done Nick, Paul and the RAAHC – Target Round!





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