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Book Reviews
    Lieutenant General B.A. (Ash) Power AO CSC Ash Power    

Action! Action! Action! outlines the role that gunners of all persuasions have played in supporting Australia both in war and in the interwar periods.  Clearly explained are the key roles Artillery plays during conflict, roles in high demand and never questioned – “fires” after all, is a warfighting function.  Also explained are the challenges gunners, like other elements of the Army, faced when peace broke out and funding dried up.  It’s all there, the highs and lows and it is a great read.

It will become obvious to the reader that over the last a century and a half there have been two constants; the proud history of unbroken continuous service provided by gunners and the constant changes that they have faced.  During my service I was questioned on the very need for Artillery, questioning that became more animated the longer we were at peace.  Peace unfortunately, is a temporary existence, and once again Artillery is in the ascendancy. The threat of war is clear to all.

Arguably there has never been a more exciting time to be a gunner.   After decades of toing and froing we are about to get self-propelled artillery, a long-range fires capability is just around the corner.  Undergoing yet another Army restructure – a reinvention of what has worked in previous wars – we are going full circle, with the creation of 10 Brigade, a fires formation.  This is now Army’s main effort.

Gunners have always understood the need for the combined arms team and were early proponents of jointery.   Action! Action! Action! takes us from the creation of our very first gunner organisations, covers off on Artillery’s contribution during our biggest wars and other conflicts, and clearly articulates not only the traditional support gunners have provided but also the myriad of tasks in non-traditional roles that gunners have performed.

It’s important for all gunners to understand this impressive history as we prepare for the future and this publication lays that history out in an easy to read and digestible fashion. Just as important however is the need for all who defend our nation to get a better understanding of the role that all parts of the combined arms team play; I commend Action! Action! Action! to all who wear a service uniform.

Ubique, and always there.







Everywhere Whither Right and Glory Lead


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