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Book Reviews
    Major General Tim Ford AO (Retd)    

As the Manager of the Sir Roden Cutler VC Artillery Research Centre, I am delighted that the RAAHC has produced this excellent publication which so aptly describes the creation, evolution and campaigns of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery (RAA) for over 150 years. This is the best summary of the proud history of the Regiment that I have encountered in my more than 50 years as a Gunner. It will be of immense assistance to the Research Assistants at the Cutler Research Centre in initiating their responses to the many requests we receive for information on Australian artillery, and its units, equipment, individuals and heritage since colonial times.

The authors have achieved a good balance throughout the book with a logical and comprehensive progression of the history of the RAA expressed in simple language with all the many technical and tactical terms associated with gunnery clearly explained.

I commend the structure of the book with some 17 chapters describing the various phases and campaigns that have built the Regiments’ history. Each chapter has a concise introduction, well supported by relevant maps and photographs from Australian War Memorial collection and other reliable sources. These are supplemented by colourful boxes explaining various aspects of artillery tactics and technology, plus vignettes about Artillery Commanders and gunner personalities. The layout ends with a comprehensive list of appendices tabling data on artillery structures over the years, significant dates and artillery terms. 

There is no doubt in my mind that Action! Action! Action! (the cry to respond to a call for fire support) has certainly achieved its aim of being a “Gunners’ Friend”. This is a book that every Australian Gunner will want to have in their personal library, as well as one well sought by the military enthusiast.





Everywhere Whither Right and Glory Lead


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