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Book Reviews
    Colonel Jason Cooke    

The RAA Association of Victoria would like to congratulate the RAAHC Board for the vision and courage to tackle such an important and crucial publication capturing our rich and colourful history in a single publication. This well-crafted and designed chronological journey over 150 years forms the cornerstone of our history capturing our origins in colonial and state jurisdictions, our structural changes due to strategic posturing by the Government of the day, whilst highlighting our versatility and adaptability in delivery capability to our Nation. Albeit brief, this publication starts the knowledge transfer and passion in the development and professionalisation of our workforce and should be essential reading for future generations of our gunner community.

We would encourage those responsible for this brilliant publication to continue capturing our history but in greater detail thus providing further educational analysis into specific aspects of our history in an accredited reference material that is well documented. There are many lessons learnt waiting to be understood and discussed and this publication provides an excellent framework in which to continue this dialogue.

It is our intention to supplement the overall narrative of this book with our own local Victorian focus by capturing the personal stories from our gunner community from their shared and lived experiences whilst serving covering the period from establishment of the Army Reserve until to today. We want to bring to life the chronological journey the Regiment has taken but localise that experience with personal photo, stories and tales.

We see this as a natural progression in capturing our history only now possible due to the pending publication of Action! Action! Action!

Again, congratulations to the RAAHC for providing this essential piece to our documented history but also for energising our Association into action.





Everywhere Whither Right and Glory Lead


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