Type of Gun: Bronze
Location: Navy Repository, Spectacle Island, NSW
GPS Location:  
Serial Number:  
Date of Manufacture:  
Calibre: 160 mm
Weight of Projectile:  
Historical Specifics: TROPHIES FOR AUSTRALIA


The Prime Minister yesterday received a letter from Lieut.-General Sir Alfred Gaselee, who had charge of the British forces in China recently, which reads:-

"I have the honour to inform you that on their return to Australia the officers commanding the New South Wales and Victorian contingents were authorised by me to take the cannon shown in the attached statement as trophies." The detailed description proves one of the cannon to be an historical relic, which must be of much value. The schedule reads:- "One 5.8in. gun, bronze, unserviceable, manufactured in Spain, and bearing the words:- Juan, vazovez de acuna fiden defensor capitan general del artellera reino deneas. Anno Dominii MDLXXXXV." The year 1895 (Sic should read 1595) re- calls the reign of Phillip II., Mary Stuart, and the Spanish Armada.

The second trophy is described as "two 4 7/8 in. guns, brass, unserviceable, one appaently made in France, having on the breech 'Ruelle, 1856,'. the other in China." The three were captured at Paotlng-fu. Mr. Barton has decided that the Spanish gun is to go to New South Wales, and that the two smaller cannon are to remain in Victoria. The Prime Minister has written to Sir Alfred Gaselee expressing the high appreciation of the Commonwealth Minis- try of his action in presenting it with such trophies.

(Trove) The Argus Melbourne Tuesday 2 July 1901 page 5, column 6

:- Juan, vazovez de acuna fiden defensor capitan general del artellera reino deneas. nno Dominii MDLXXXXV.

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